Asia Art Alliance Exhibition
My drawings are large and detailed in black ink. Each one can take up to 200 hours and span months depending on composition. My work is inspired by photographic observations, reference materials and expert’s opinions. First, I make a rough pencil layout. Then, ink is applied for greater detail. Lastly, the pencil marks are erased. I use a radiograph pen (0.25 millimeters) for the entire drawing. The paper roughness allows the pen to skip across the surface of the paper. Depending on how the pen is used, the pen marks may appear like soft pencil or dark ink. By adapting natural shading of the feathers or fur thematic bible references are blended in. Thus unique themes are “hidden in plain sight”. I use traditional Chinese or English characters to present them. I enjoy presenting God’s word through my art because it’s thought provoking and gives my work depth as metaphor.